Mud sticks on builders in the UK, Bulgaria flounders in red tape and war-themed art becomes a "joke" in Lebanon.

“'The 'M Shed' is in danger of becoming the latest buzz-word for waste, replacing the Dome and the Scottish Parliament as the national by-word for profligacy with taxpayers' money. The private sector, having gone through a phase of rebranding companies with incomprehensible names, is now reverting back to describing 'what's in the can’”


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“The general public is likely to be perfectly clear about how it feels about the news. Mud has been thrown at the industry and my God has it stuck. Try to defend cover pricing to friends outside construction and you end up sounding like a disingenuous apologist for an industry that is perceived as dodgy at the best of times. Unfair as it may be, it sounds as flimsy as Baroness Scotland defending how she ended up employing an illegal cleaner or MPs who expected the taxpayer to pay for their moat cleaning.”


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“The bureaucracy in the planning systems stifles business development and foreign investment that should be encouraged especially in terms of developing and restoring the cultural centers in Bulgaria. The institutions exist, but they are under funded and poorly managed.”


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“I gave him permission to use it in the piece, but it's shallow, it's a joke. It's a generalisation, he picked up examples to illustrate an argument as opposed to exploring that argument well.”


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“Arenas, unlike baseball stadiums, are basically big boxes, and they have a track record of being ham-fistedly designed. Wachovia Center, where the Philadelphia 76ers play, for example, is a block-sized collection of contemporary architectural clichés, combined without any logic or wit.”


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