TCK Solar explains how to get the best out of solar power systems even during the winter months.

Many consumers believe that solar energy will not really work for them in winter. According to TCK Solar, solar panels are exposed to a great deal of ultraviolet light throughout the year, even on days when it’s not sunny. Therefore, homeowners can still benefit from a good quality solar energy system, even factoring in Melbourne-style cloud cover. The important thing is to have a high efficiency inverter to maximise power generation from the solar panels.

TCK Solar uses the German designed and manufactured SMA inverters to extract every bit of power out of the SOLON panels to help consumers through the winter. The use of low efficiency inverters has led to the general belief that solar power systems are ineffective in the cold season.

TCK Solar’s SMA inverters deliver consistent efficiency up to 99%, even in Melbourne where it’s often cloudy. SMA inverters are designed to run at high efficiency for decades to keep up with solar panels and other system elements designed to last for 40 years. Users of solar power systems provided by TCK Solar can view on their computers the operational efficiency of their systems. TCK Solar’s solar systems are proven to perform up to 28% more efficiently than alternatives.

Every installation of a TCK Solar system is followed by comprehensive training to the customer on how to read the information provided by their system. The user also has access to the Sydney-based SMA support team for help and advice on call.

TCK Solar prefers to install SOLbond solar panels flush against flat roofs of modern homes and businesses to catch overhead rays with the added advantage of increasing insulation. In winter, these panels act as a blanket, trapping in warm air and further reducing energy usage.

SOLraise panels help maximise performance on roofs with shading, and operate separately from each other unlike traditional systems that operate in a string. This means if one panel is shaded and running at a low output, the rest of the panels drop down to the same low output. Using independently operating SOLraise panels eliminates this problem and maximises the efficiency of the system, especially in winter.

TCK Solar’s advice to Melbournians is to install quality solar energy systems that will continue to deliver great value even in cloudy weather, with payback periods well under seven or eight years. Power generated in excess gets the consumer eight cents per kWh feed-in tariff. Installing a solar power system also increases the value of the home while delivering the environmental benefit of reducing the carbon footprint.