

Morrison government lays down five technologies for its clean energy investment
The Morrison government will tell its refocused clean energy agencies and the clean energy regulator to give priority to investment in five low emissions technologies and report how they are accelerating them.
Government targets emerging technologies with $1.9 billion, saying renewables can stand on own feet
The government has unveiled a $1.9 billion package of investments in new and emerging energy and emission-reducing technologies, and reinforced its message that it is time to move on from assisting now commercially-viable renewables.
Free child care to help nearly one million families, especially workers in essential services
The government will provide free child care in a move aimed at ensuring parents, especially in essential services, are able to keep working.
Federal government gets private hospital resources for COVID-19 fight in exchange for funding support
Private hospitals will be on the frontline in the coronavirus battle, under an arrangement with the federal government that makes available the sector’s more than 30,000 beds and 105,000 workforce, including more than 57,000 nursing staff.
Government to inject economic stimulus by accelerating infrastructure spend
The government is responding to increasing concern about the faltering economy by accelerating A$3.8 billion of infrastructure investment into the next four years, including $1.8 billion for the current and next financial years.
Dams are being built, but they are private: Australia Institute
A report from The Australia Institute rejects government claims new dams are not being built, saying at least 20 to 30 large private dams have been constructed in the Murray-Darling basin in recent years.