The uPVC window industry is poised to experience major growth as the benefits of polymer frames become better understood in Australia.

Victorian company PVC Windows Australia has recently commissioned significant window fabrication infrastructure with the installation of new Kaban machining lines that are expected to increase the company’s fabrication capacity tenfold. 

Consisting of two machines, one for processing, cutting and reinforcing the uPVC profiles, and the other, a welding and cleaning centre, the new infrastructure at PVC Windows Australia will streamline and dramatically increase uPVC window fabrication capacity, enabling the company to offer customers a 20% - 30% price reduction. 

Unplasticised PVC (uPVC) represents a minor part of the local window framing industry, comprising of less than 5% of the Australian window market. In comparison, the European and American markets have experienced exponential growth over the past three to four decades, with uPVC windows today accounting for approximately 90% of the market in Germany, 75% in Europe and 60% in North America. 

However, uPVC windows are gaining attention in Australia as a result of the growing focus on energy efficient performance for homes and buildings. 

Sophi Macmillan, Chief Executive Officer, Vinyl Council of Australia observes that Australia lags far behind the rest of the world in the use of PVC windows as a sustainable alternative to the more commonly used aluminium window frames.

She adds that the investment by PVC Windows Australia shows the confidence in the growing Australian industry and signals an upswing in the specification of the more energy efficient window systems. 

Ash Aygun, National Sales & Projects Manager, PVC Windows Australia confirms that the company has the potential to produce 400 PVC window frames per week while maintaining the same high quality. 

Double glazed windows with uPVC frames are proven performers in reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling and consequently, over their whole lifecycle can reduce a building’s greenhouse gas emissions by as much as half compared to the use of aluminium framed windows.