S2K Identity Systems offers their range of Braille3D Braille and tactile signs designed for the blind and visually impaired.

The Braille3D Braille and tactile signage range are manufactured to comply with the Australian Building Code section D3.6 with Grade 1 Braille.

The Braille and tactile signs also feature raised text and symbols for individuals that cannot read Braille but have vision impairment

All Braille and tactile signs must be placed at a maximum top height of 1600mm with a minimum bottom height of 1200mm. The signs must be mounted to the wall or on the latch side of the door.

If there is insufficient room on the latch side of the door, the sign can also be placed on the non-latch side. If both options are not possible, then sign can then be placed on the door itself.

The Braille3D Braille and tactile membranes are compatible with the Architectural Modular Series. It is suitable for any Inserts within the Architectural Modular Series range and can be also interchangeable if needed.

For more information on Braille3D Braille and tactile signs, contact S2K Identity Systems or visit their website.