RMS Natural Stone & Ceramics advises that slate flooring can be considered as one of the many options when choosing a material for interior flooring applications in the home. While slate has been mostly used in outdoor applications, it is now being considered as an interior flooring option too.

However, just like any other type of flooring material, there are pros and cons to using slate for interior floors.

Waterproof and stain-resistant

Being waterproof as well as stain-resistant, slate offers a low maintenance flooring solution presenting minimal concerns in the long term.

Very heavy duty

Slate is a heavy duty flooring material with the ability to withstand the stresses of a busy household.

Slate flooring and cold weather

One major drawback of slate flooring is that it can get cold underfoot during cold weather. This problem can be avoided by properly insulating the bed of the slate tiles prior to installation.

Slate has emerged as a popular choice in today’s home designs; however, consider these pros and cons before finalising the flooring material.