The new National Construction Code (NCC) has introduced an updated version of the Australian insulation standard AS/NZS 4859.1:2018, which details the new material R-value declaration procedure.

The updated AS/NZS 4859.1:2018 requires a statistical assessment of at least 10 test results for each material assessed under the standard. This statistical assessment determines the R-value and thermal conductivity for the products tested from the statistically adjusted mean values representing a 50% fractile with 90% confidence for a one-sided tolerance interval.

To ensure the insulation product you are specifying or using is NCC 2019 compliant, ask the manufacturers about their material R-value declaration procedure.

Kingspan Insulation has created a handy guide for you to have a clear understanding of the R-value declaration procedure for compliance, outlining the questions you need to ask the manufacturer, how the products are aged and tested, and what goes into a Thermal Value Summary Report.

View the 4859.1 Material R-Value Declaration Procedure Guide below. 

R-Value Declaration Procedure Guide