With the Australian bushfire season about to begin, it’s time to get your property ready and prepared to resist any potential damage from flames or flying embers.

Following the Canberra bushfires in 2003 that caused loss of life and major damage to property across the region, revisions were made to the Australian Standard relating to building in bushfire prone areas and a new Australian Standard (AS3959) was drafted.

Subsequently, the Standard was extensively reviewed in 2009 after another series of devastating bushfires in Victoria, and clearer guidelines were developed on construction requirements for bushfire prone areas.

The new scientifically modelled building standard AS3959-2009 (Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas) provides a well-defined system to determine the type of building construction required in bushfire prone areas that would improve the building’s resistance to burning embers, radiant heat or flames generated by a bushfire.

Kilargo has produced a series of door sealing systems designed specifically for buildings being constructed in bushfire prone areas, helping property owners defend themselves against potential risk of fire.

Take a look at this bushfire brochure to find out how Kilargo can help you defend your building against potential bushfire damage.