Heggies were commissioned by the Primo Australia to undertake an odour impact assessment of their Scone Abattoir, North Western NSW.

The Primo Australia Scone Abattoir processing facility has gained Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services export accreditation and currently employs over 350 personnel.

The NSW DECC required an odour impact assessment be conducted on the Scone Abattoir to determine the impact of the abattoir on nearby Scone residents.

The odour impact assessment of the Scone Abattoir was conducted in accordance with the DECC Technical Framework - Assessment and Management of Odour from Stationary Sources in NSW (2006) and Approved Methods for the Modelling and Assessment of Air Pollutants in NSW (DECC 2005).

Odour monitoring was undertaken by Heggies for odour sources not covered during previous odour assessments using Isolation Flux Hood odour monitoring techniques.

Results were used to determine appropriate emission rates for each odour source. Atmospheric dispersion modelling predictions of odour concentrations was undertaken using the Ausplume Gaussian Plume Dispersion Model software developed by the Victorian EPA, using site-specific worst case odour emissions data.

A chemical composition assessment was additionally undertaken as part of this project.