Many homeowners prefer to restore the lacework and balustrade on the facade of their heritage properties, with more contemporary modifications relegated to the backyard or inside, out of sight.

According to Chatterton Lacework , restoration of the facade including the lacework and lacework balustrade is a vital part of the renovation process of a heritage property.

Heritage properties are much sought-after in the market, especially those that integrate modern open plan living areas within, and retain the beauty and rarity of period decorative details on the facade. While restoration may not be mandatory, it is an option owners of heritage properties could consider to produce an attractive result.

Many council areas in Sydney and Melbourne now have heritage controls to ensure ugly and large renovations are not allowed in conservation areas; however, these controls don’t always prevent ugly modifications being carried out in the name of renovation with incorrect choice of architectural products on the facade including the lacework designs.

Homeowners can either choose materials that ruin the look of a house and devalue the property, or increase the value of their heritage homes by 20%-30% through renovations that remain true to the period.