Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia

    Heavy Construction Materials Industry: Representation, Information and Assistance from CCAA

    Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia (CCAA) is a peak national body representing the interests of Australia’s heavy construction materials industry. Membership is drawn from across the broad spectrum of the heavy construction materials industry and includes all major industry players.

    CCAA members are actively involved in:

    • The extraction and processing of aggregates
    • Production and supply of cement, premixed concrete and supplementary materials
    • The supply of associated plant and equipment.

    CCAA’s Principal Functions include representing member interests, providing a library of industry relevant information, assistance and advice and the promotion of members’ interests through market development activities.

    Representing members interests to government and the wider community

    • Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia represents issues including resource access and security, transport, workplace health and safety, and the environment
    • CCAA also plays an active role in the development of industry standards and codes

    A wealth of extensive information at your fingertips


    • CCAA hosts a vast technical library, with up-to-date links to information resources around the world that can be accessed by members, industry professionals and academics
    • CCAA also researches and publishes its own technical bulletins and case studies, as well as the highly regarded industry associations publications C+A and Public Domain -  which showcase projects that demonstrate the versatility and constructability of concrete

    Assistance and advice from industry professionals



    • CCAA supports decision makers in the construction industry by providing practical assistance and advice from experienced individual from both the engineering and architectural disciplines
    • Qualified staff work directly with engineers, architects and builders around Australia to help them maximise the benefits of using concrete

    Promotion of members interests through market development initiatives



    • CCAA promotes its members’ products and services through a range of market development activities including construction industry award programs
    • CCAA  hosts its own Public Domain Awards which recognise the innovative use of concrete in the public domain and are highly regarded in Australia’s architectural community

    Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia is a peak national body helping to promote its members and the heavy construction industry.


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