Blobel Spill Barrier and Flood Barrier Systems are effective risk management strategies with wide applications.

The manual and automatic Doorway Spill Barriers, Water Barriers, Stormwater Drain Covers and Flood Protection Systems Blobel manufactures can be used for spill control, sprinkler water containment, containment of contaminated fire fighting water and flood protection.

Blobel Environmental Engineering is a German company which has been operating throughout Europe for over 13 years. In early 2001, Blobel established its’ regional headquarters in Sydney, Australia to serve the Asia Pacific region and North America.

Throughout Europe, USA and some parts of Asia, the use of manual and automatic Spill Barriers to contain spillages, sprinkler water run-off and contaminated fire fighting water within facilities is now widely accepted or standard. Blobel Spill Barrier Systems make it relatively easy to upgrade and retrofit existing facilities like storage areas, warehouses and production facilities. Within Europe, Asia and the USA, Spill Barrier Systems are now also being included at the design stage.

Generally, Blobel Spill Barriers can be integrated in any bund or installed in front of a door, drive through or other opening to be sealed. Manual systems are closed in the event of an emergency by trained personnel or this practice is included in the daily operational procedures such as barriers may be opened and closed on a daily basis. Automatic Containment Barrier Systems, however, operate completely independently. The Spill Barrier System, such as the BL/BED-PM, can be connected to and triggered by any hazard detection system such as fire alarms, smoke detectors, liquid detectors or flow meters. Alternatively, the Spill Barrier can also be closed at the push of a button. To ensure maximum safety for personnel and environment, the Containment Barrier is fitted with an acoustic and visual warning signal and the closing speed can be adjusted. German authorities and insurers allow for a minimum closing time of 20 seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds.