Bacto Laboratories  is a supplier of medical and technical laboratory equipment in Australia. Some of the major brands that Bacto Laboratories is associated with are Duran, Difco, Eutech, Falcon, Axyos and many more. Its products include chemicals, disinfectants, cleaners and glassware.

the most reliable products from Bacto Laboratories are chemicals. The grades of chemicals that its supplies are industrial grade, analytical grade and spectroscopy grade. Bacto Laboratories use a colour coding labelling method for purity analysis of these chemicals. Some of the companies that manufacture the chemicals available at Bacto Laboratories are Acros Organics, Burdick & Jackson and Merck, BDH.

Other products from Bacto Laboratories are disinfectants and cleaners. HEXIFOAM, which is an antiseptic foam-based disinfectant, is used to clean glass, skin and clothes after contact with contaminated substances. It is ozone friendly and dries the hand in a minute.

ISOWIPE from Bacto Laboratories is specifically used to disinfect surfaces such as table and telephones. ERADO-SOL helps in curing slight skin rashes. It is used to remove grease and grime from skin, clothes and equipment.
Apart from Bacto-made glassware, the other brands available at Bacto Laboratories are Brand, Duran, Volac, Zeal, Samco, Origin and many more.