NSW Planning and Public Spaces minister Rob Stokes says the NSW government has worked closely with City of Parramatta Council to progress the plan that will guide a vibrant and strong future for Greater Sydney’s second CBD, part of the NSW Government’s COVID Recovery Plan.
“The proposal will lay the foundation for planning changes to unlock 50,000 new jobs, 14,000 new homes, well-designed buildings and great public spaces for locals, workers and visitors to enjoy,” says Stokes.
“From increased building heights for a dynamic city skyline, to almost two million sqm of new commercial floorspace, new cultural spaces and fantastic public spaces, this proposal will shape the Parramatta CBD for generations to come.”
Member for Parramatta Geoff Lee says the proposal includes strict rules to protect important public areas such as Parramatta Square from overshadowing.
“Parramatta Square has brought new life and thousands of students and workers into the CBD, reinvigorating the nightlife and providing a place for people to relax during the day and we want to ensure it remains light and sunny,” says Lee.
The proposal, which will be put on public exhibition for community feedback, includes:
Expanding and protecting the Commercial Core of the CBD;
- A range of building heights across the CBD that consider impacts on public open spaces and heritage conservation areas while allowing heights up to the maximum allowed under flight paths;
- New Floor Space Ratio controls that provide incentives for development where community benefits can be provided; and
- Ensuring key public open spaces within the CBD are protected from overshadowing between 12pm and 2pm. This includes Parramatta Square, the Parramatta River foreshore, Lancer Barracks and Jubilee Park.
Image: NSW government